Start of an adventure..
Here I am, embarking on a new adventure of writing, and starting a blog. I have never written before. Well, I use to write poems quite a bit back in high school and college. But nothing like what I am starting to do now. I never had a knack for words, nor had much to say. But I always seem to want to share what I have done, or what I am doing, or what I plan on doing. It could be the smallest of things or it could be a really big thing.
As I write this, I am sitting in my living room, sipping a cup of Chamomile Tea, while my husband relaxes. Oh, did I mention that I’m a 30-something, wife, homeowner and mother? That’s me! Well, I am more than that, but it is me in a nutshell. And I’m sure somewhere along this journey, you will get to know a bit more about me.
I haven’t quite gotten into a rhythm of writing on a daily or weekly basis yet, although ideas do come to me and I try to make note of them. But my hope is that I will be able to gather some ideas and get a more consistent flow of writing. Maybe even find a niche.
I hope that you will follow me, and join me in this adventure that I’m on.
Is there an adventure that you want to go on??