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    Holiday Busi-ness

    Christmas has quickly come and gone and I don’t know what happened! It all flew by in a blink of an eye. The month of December always seems to fly by. It’s the month of gatherings of family, gatherings of…

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    The month of December, or after Thanksgiving, I tend to start to think of all the traditions that we have. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of traditions that happen year round, but during the time leading up to…

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    Some More Me Time

    Hey All. So I’ve been having quite a bit of me time recently. And when I say me time, it’s just not alone time. But time to socialize with adults and just be me. Ahhh…what a great feeling! It all…

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    It’s Been A Long Day….

    As you know, I’m a mama to two amazing little boys. While I know I’m not the only mama of boys, there are many close friends that I have, that have two girls. And regardless of gender, when we, as…