Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! The new year has come and gone. I have had some time, not much between all the craziness of the holidays, but some to reflect on how 2014 was and what I hope for 2015 to bring.
2014 was a crazy ride. My husband and I rung in the year of 2014 with an 8 day old baby. I really can’t remember much from the beginning of the year. As many new parents say, the first 3 months are a crazy blur. Now, I do remember a bit of it, but much is quite hazy. I do remember how quickly the days past by. I remember that as much as each day seemed like it was exactly the same, there was something different about the days. And the days kept coming; which meant that time was passing on. Each day with the little one was an adventure, and I didn’t want it to end! Well, it sure wasn’t. From the first smile and laugh, to the first time he was sitting up. Everything was so exciting. The next thing we knew, it was July and this little one was 6 months old. But then something happened….time went by even faster, and the dates kept coming and going. It was now Christmas Eve and our little one turned 1! It’s so crazy how times flies. (I will get a bit more into being a mom in later posts).
2014 was a year of change and growth. I grew so much as an individual, but also grew so much as a partner with my husband. We haven’t been out too much yet without our little one, but we have had family watch him while we enjoy some time to ourselves. Which is much needed and much appreciated. Our relationship has grown much stronger in the past year; to which I didn’t know it could get any stronger than it already was. We balance each out other. I changed jobs in 2014. With that change came a struggle of balance; which my husband helped me balance out.
2014 was the year for 1st birthdays, pregnancy announcements and engagements.
2014 was a great year and I don’t even know how 2015 can get any better. However, it seems that each year does get better than the last, regardless of what I think.
Now that we are in 2015, I realize that there is probably a lot in store for us, or a lot that I wish to accomplish. I want to cook a bit more like I use to. I like follow recipes (for the most part), and I do sometimes tend to find it therapeutic. I want to be healthier; hopefully by choosing healthier meal options, taking some fitness classes or working out in the home. (I understand running after children can be a workout, but sometimes I like to do a bit of exercise on my own. I hope to be more consistent with writing this blog. I received a journal from my aunt, and have been carrying it with me to write down my thoughts. So far, this has been great; I just need to actually sit at the computer and type things up. 🙂
There’s a lot more that I know will happen in 2015, but right now, it would take a lot more writing than I’m ready to do The use of this journal will be key to me getting some of this stuff organized.